I am a man, who was always interested in photography, computer graphics, electronics and nature. First profession: Radio/TV-Technician, second: Industry Trader. Studied at University Paderborn for a while and went on with graphic related work in mostly technical environments in product developing businesses.
User manuals on paper or video, technical explanations and illustrations have always been part of the daily work, where photography, image tricks and 3D come together or substitute each other, often in connection with the CAD guys. The 3D work led me to learning about how to produce animations, which meant learning about video editing. Since I spent some time to produce music, my customers can benefit from decent audio in related productions. Due to my electronics background, I was several times involved in software development providing the GUI graphics and beta testing.
A main part of my work over the last years has been visualizing products, buildings, creating illustrations and manuals and doing a lot of daily work like maintaining homepages, paper catalogues and social media.
Now, as of 2019, I am open for business again and offer my skills to companies and other businesses. You can contact me via my contact form.
I hope this site worked well for you on any device, the responsive design code took me a while to figure out. I'm still adding work examples here, so please check back later.
I'm left to say: Have a nice day!